
“Fantastic food for thought.  A great refresh of what fell dormant in my knowledge bank, but more importantly, my actions.” — Kendra Stokes Vallarelli

“Don was one of the best speakers I have ever had the pleasure of being able to listen to….ever!  When info was requested, Don was quick to respond and even emailed additional info after.” — Cody Haselwood

“I came in thinking that I wouldn’t get anything out of it.  I came out with a whole NEW outlook.  He left me with a lot of thoughts on how I can change my life and a great perspective on the bigger picture.  He definitely encouraged me and gave me hope.” — Aaron Rhodes

“Don was very helpful.  I think all reps should hear from Don.  I believe, if applied, we can gain a lot by utilizing the tools he shared with us.” — Carol Berkley

“I am very excited to tell you about my experience with Don Day! I am the Executive Director of Stellar Life. Stellar Life is a Health & Wellness Company focusing on Corporate Wellness. 

I had the pleasure of being a part of Don Days Speaking Engagement when Stellar Life & Stellar Recovery asked Don to speak to the employees of Stellar Recovery. I can start by telling you I have always been a seeker of positive encouragement, a believer in positivity pays off, and a practitioner in positive thinking. I had viewed several videos of Don Day at other speaking engagements, & therefore I was very excited to have the opportunity to be a part of building up the employees at Stellar Recovery.

We, Stellar Recovery & Stellar Life asked Don Day to come and speak to our employees, to boost morale, set a positive work environment, and build our employee mindset into a powerful force. It was the BEST decision we could of made!

In the “Mindset! A Made-Up Mind is a Powerful Force!” Don was very specific, giving us the 10 traps to beware of, 6 target points to follow, and much more. Throughout the speech Don would reflect on his own personal experiences that gave me commonality & comfort.

I was able to connect, understand, learn, & laugh. I was thoroughly impressed at the closure of Dons speech, when he asked if anyone had any questions, and what could they reflect back on that resonated with them the most. Hands went up all over the room! Over 100 employees and each one was smiling, excited to be a more positive performing employee, and the buzz is still about Don Day!

Anyone can give you a handout and tell you this is how you should do it, But it takes a Powerful Speaker, a Professional Person, that practices what they preach- to actually give you the information and have you excited to learn and grow all while having a smile on your face!! That is Don Day.

From all of us at Stellar Recovery & Stellar Life we Truly Thank YOU! 

Stay Positive! 

Stay Stellar! 

Christina Himes, Executive Director, Stellar Life

“Don was a breath of fresh air for Stellar. He was very engaging and the information he gave us has been very helpful.” — Lashanna Gilbert

 “Thank you for the wonderful words today! I have attached the photo and the cards I am using to track “good days”, you had talked about doing this at one of the speaking events and I knew I had to implement it for 2016. I have a glass jar on my desk and each time I have a success, I write it down and put it in the jar. At the end of the year I will be able to look back at not only the big successes, but lots of little successes. Thank you for all you do!” Megan Menke

“I enjoyed being in attendance at the last session. I know I was one of older folks in the audience but you reminded me of the importance of reading. I have never been much on the tapes but before your next meeting I will have at least 2 books completed maybe 3. The Go Giver and My Best Friend.

Thanks for doing what you are doing for all age groups in our Business Community.” Jim Thompson

“I thoroughly enjoyed the session with you. My only complaint is that it wasn’t long enough. Your content was very accurate for our company and it will help us yield the results that we are trying to achieve.” — Ellea Gilbert

“Honest words from a great speaker. Had a great time!” Jamie Travis-Leonard

“Great message!  Very motivating and inspiring.  Great anecdotes as well.” — Inarid Nelson

“I was very excited when I heard our company was bringing a motivational speaker in.  Don did a grea job with his message and stories.  I learned a lot and now catch myself using a lot oh his phrases and acronyms.  Really looking forward to next month’s session.” — Steve Nelson

“dondaySpeaks is one of the fastest growing speakers & authors in America!”

Don Day
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